Reiki and Chakras

Let me start by explaining what Chakras are. Chakra is a Sanskrit term and it means “wheel” or “disk” and is derived from the root word “cakra”. Chakras are spinning wheels of energy/light. Chakras have the loving responsibility of taking in, incorporating and emanating energy to keep us functioning at optimal levels. Each “disk” has a color and has lots of different correspondences related to that color or energy point. There are all kinds of information out online that teaches you more in depth about chakras.

My take on what they are is that a chakra is formed when the energy in our bodies can change direction. It is part of the nervous system as that is how our body communicates with the mind. Think about how the nervous system works, so there are literally millions of chakras in our bodies. The spinal column, being the center and the largest part of that communication highway, is of course where the main 7 chakras are located.

Reiki helps balance the energies of the Chakra by gently removing blocks or helping it spin or whatever you may need to be balanced. Reiki helps with daily stress that we face. When we are not balanced we tend to carry that stress in our bodies and over time can cause major health issues. Reiki will help with dealing with those stresses and help you relax. There are so many benefits to using Reiki to balance your Chakras; not only do you get the benefits that are already part of Reiki; the improved life, the relaxation and so much more! With the chakras being balanced my reiki clients find that it balances all parts of their lives and they are genuinely happier and healthier as a whole.