Celtic Reiki



Celtic Reiki is a variation on Usui Reiki, and uses vibrations of the earth and of different trees and shrubs to create a suitable environment to heal or see visions.

The Reiki energy imitates the vibration frequency of certain plants and trees, in this way to work together with the help of Celtic Wisdom.  Celtic Reiki is based on “Earth’s Reiki Energy”, it flows from the root chakra upwards, and not as usual from the top down (as with Usui Reiki).


Celtic Reiki 1:  At the 1st degree you get a first introduction to the new energy and you get a bit of basic knowledge about the 7 chakras and auras.  You will learn the first 6 Celtic Reiki symbols and how to apply them.  After the attunement you can not only treat yourself, family and friends, but also animals and nature.

Celtic Reiki 2: At the 2nd degree observations and vision will be explained.  You will learn 6 Celtic Reiki symbols and how to apply them.  Also Crystal will be discussed, their application and use on which chakra.

Celtic Reiki 3: Either Master, you will learn the last 5 Celtic Reiki symbols and how to apply then there is talk of treatment techniques, how to focus the energy for, for example, a cure or manifestation. And finally, learn how to give the Celtic Reiki initiations.


What you get:

  • Attunement sent by Angelic Ball of Protection

  • Manuals and One (1) Certificate when complete level 3 in PDF file

  • Help and support, if necessary;

and, you can pass on this energy to others.

Celtic Reiki 3 Levels
from $65.00